Research & Education
Our dedicated providers are actively involved in field-leading clinical research, translating to the ability to offer the latest treatment options and knowledge for our patients.
This is the backbone to the Precision Energy Academics Knowledge mantra.
Research Trials
We offer opportunities for clinical and epidemiologic research with ample testing facilities spanning 48 state of the art diagnostic polysomnography beds across Ontario. These modern, well-equipped Health Canada approved facilities are held in addition to a database spanning over 40,000 patients treated. We hold both local and international academic affiliations and medical staff with training and expertise in conducting clinical research trials.
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Training & Education Opportunities
We offer educational opportunities for medical learners of all stages: from medical students to residents and fellows.
We also offer training for Registered Polysomongraphic Technologists (RPSGT) towards achieving certification.
Finally, as a team dedicated to academics and advancing knowledge in the field of sleep we regularly provide opportunities to educate our community physician partners.
PEAK+ Executive Training
Sleep health aimed at optimizing performance, PEAK+ is dedicated to individuals, organizations, and professionals looking to maximize performance for themselves and their team.
We provide sleep-related programs and health talks for organizations such as airlines, transportation agencies, professional sports teams, as well as corporate executives to optimize performance, quality of life and improve workplace well-being.
Contact to learn more about our PEAK+ Offerings.
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